
Ikigai Philippines was established in 2020 with the simple idea of helping people achieve things they’ve never done before.

Ikigai Coach Alexis Torres is a life coach with a degree in psychology from the University of the Philippines Diliman. He also studied and earned a coaching license from the Ikigai Coaching Institute in the Netherlands. Prior to becoming the Philippines’ first certified Ikigai coach, he worked as a marketing professional, chef, entrepreneur, and professional basketball coach.

As of today, he has helped numerous people find their life purpose, learn to focus on finishing tasks, control their emotions, find motivation, and lots more. If you want to achieve a personal goal but don’t know where to start, working with Ikigai Philippines is a great option for you.

Painting by Sandra Tankeh-Torres

Life Coaching

Whether it’s a life skill or a new sport, coaching remains the same – it’s about helping someone do something they have not done before.

The process of life coaching looks like this:

  1. Set a goal
  2. Identify what you need to achieve that goal
  3. Understand the possible road blocks
  4. Create an action plan
  5. Hold yourself accountable in following through with the plan

This is very similar to learning a sport or trying to lose weight at the gym. The main difference with life coaching is that we use this framework for life skills rather than physical skills.

Speaking Engagements and Certificates